Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Roly-Poly Holy Moly!

I really love trying unconventional flavors, so it’s no surprise that I fell in love with Roly Poly’s Applejack sandwich at first bite (minus the mayonnaise, ew).   So I decided to make my own version, and feed it to my friends.

- Instead of using a regular flour tortilla, I used a Mission spinach flavored one.
            - However, I might start buying corn tortillas to reduce calories

- 2 tbsp. of apple butter spread across the wrap

- Cook red onions and mushrooms in a skillet with olive oil (I started buying a lite version recently) for a few minutes
-       I feel like adding a few slices of tomatoes to this concoction would probably taste great also
- I put raw spinach on the tortilla next, and then added the cooked mushrooms and onions on top of it
-       The Roly Poly recipe doesn’t use spinach, but y’all know how I love the green stuff
- Then I used three slices of low-fat deli turkey
- I cooked two slices of turkey bacon (the Roly Poly sandwich uses regular bacon) and cut them up into smaller pieces
- I added jack cheese last before I rolled it all up and cooked it in my skillet for a few minutes to heat it up.
- Roly Poly gives you a cup of spicy brown mustard to dip it in, and it is also pretty magnificent

You guys, it’s marvelous; 10 out of 10 would recommend.  I even made two for myself so that I could pack one for work the next day.

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