Thursday, July 3, 2014

Cool Cube

I added some show posters to my cubicle this week!  I feel like going to work is a lot better when you have a lot of colors and personal touches to my environment.

I’d accumulated these fliers from Bottletree when I worked there for about three years in college.  I love holding on to show posters.  These represent some of my favorite bands, the locally produced artwork is amazing, and I get a little reminder of great shows I’ve been to over the years.  They’d all been hanging up in my old apartment, but after I moved, I couldn’t find a place for them that felt quite right.

I hung some of them up by my computer, next to some cute photos of my dude :), with “Birds On a Wire” clips I’d gotten from Urban Outfitters forever ago. 

These are my favorite bands, Shovels + Rope (from my twentieth birthday show), the Dirty Lungs, a local band comprised of good friends of mine, and The Black Angels from a show at Workplay.

Other bands featured: Jacuzzi Boys, King Khan & The Shrines, Nightmare Boyzzz, Wye Oak, The Growlers, Natural Child, Maps & Atlases, The Big Sleep, Those Darlins, The Felice Brothers, Diamond Doves, Hanni El Khatib, The Night Beats, and Jonny (Corndawg) Fritz

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