Friday, July 18, 2014

Five Favorites For Friday YEAH

1. It's no coincidence that three of my five faves are food.  In my attempts to cut calories wherever possible, I've discovered Monk Fruit In The Raw.  
Let me just preface with this: I am totally against artificial sweeteners.  I think they're disgusting and carcinogenic, but this stuff is actually really dang great.  
No calories, and I put a packet into my tea or coffee daily and can't tell much of a difference in taste apart from real sugar.  Plus, it's natural.
I'm not a huge fan of sweets, so I don't use a lot, but it does the job nonetheless.

2. Macaroni + cheese grilled cheese plus a raspberry weiss brew from Trim Tab Brewing Co at Melt with my bff, Rachel

3. Black bean hummus and farmers market broccoli, plus not-farmer's market baby carrots for lunch at work 

4. My sweet boyfriend ordered some stuff from my Free People wishlist to be sent to my apartment! <3

5. AKA the best news of all, Hunter and I got our tickets to go to San Francisco next month.  As a person that rarely ever takes a vacation, I'm so excited.

1 comment:

  1. Mac and cheese grilled cheese!? Hmmm, those are two of my favorite things, but I'm just not sure how much I would like them together. It sounds like it was yummy though and like you had a great week!
