Thursday, June 12, 2014

First Post

I’m a writer.

I graduated from UAB this past December with a degree in Journalism… and this is starting to sound like a cover letter.  I apologize.  I am a copy-writer for the HealthSouth Corporation in the Creative Services department.  However, I don't get to write much on my own.  Our ads and campaigns are a collaborative effort, so I have decided to start a blog to keep my creative juices flowing.

I am twenty-two years old and I live in Birmingham with my cat, and I love it.  I’m originally from Gadsden, AL, where my family and I lived in the country-country  That’s where “Persian with a Southern drawl” comes from.  I was born and raised in the South, but my mother and I are both strong, fiery Iranian women (she's the prettier one).  Birmingham gives me urban metropolis, plus southern charm.

I am also a volunteer advocate for the Rape Response program at the Crisis Center, Inc. and I am very passionate about community service and helping others.  At Rape Response, we provide immediate aid to men and women who have been sexually assaulted.  It can be really difficult at times, but it is so rewarding whenever you realize that you’re a survivor’s first step to recovery after such a traumatic event.  Working with the counsellors at the Crisis Center has also inspired me to delve into the world of feminism.

I’ve been dating my boyfriend, Hunter, for nearly two years, and we click like pb&J.  He’s in the Army National Guard and currently in training, so I’ll post about how much I miss his dumb face a lot.

I am also NOT a photographer.  I always correct people who say that photography is easy/anyone with a camera can do it, because it’s likely that they’ve never seen my photos before.  And for that reason, I hardly ever remember to take photos of the food I’ve made, etc.  But bear with me, I will post more soon.

I’m here to post about fashion, fitness, beauty, cooking, interior design, career stuff, feminism, stuff I do, stuff I see, places I go, and things I love.



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